Sunday 27 September 2009

Introduction To Project

The start of the course began on the 7th September. I got into a group of three with myself, Jodie Mills and Remarni Miller. We immediately began to discuss ideas and came to the decision of doing our film genre based on a romance/tragedy.

Our initiall ideas for the opening within the 2 minutes..
1) Begin with wedding scene, aged effect, home-video like, no sound.
Recorded phone conversation played over the top. Woman being informed about the "incident" involving her husband, which ultimately causes his death.

2) Dial tone played, as screen goes black. Title of the film will appear here - Name is undecided.

3) Recording of the same woman sleeping in bed from a bird's eye view. Begins to toss and turn in bed looking distressed. Dreaming.. Or remembering..

4) Camera slowly zooms in on her face. Whilst zooming, images of the two of them arguing flash on screen. Also flashes of scenes from the "incident", screaming, running away from a building from the husbands perspective - we have a building in mind for possible use in this scene..

Plan to search the area for required locations like the building, and a church for wedding scene.

This is so far the ideas we have, but need to develop and discuss in more depth.

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