Thursday, 8 April 2010


To establish what kind of rating to give our film i've looked at criteria for allocating specific ratings from official and reliable websites to make sure the rating i think best fits my film is more realistic and trustworthy.

Also i have researched into the age certificates given to other popular romance films to compare, as our rating would probably be of a similar scope.

Titanic - 12

The Notebook - 15

P.s I Love You - 12a

This is a link from the British Board of Film Classification website which looks at age certificates in more detail. looking at which, i feel a label of 15 would be most suitable for our film as strong language may be used throughout the rest of the film as with the use of such language, it makes it more realistic and loyal to the portrayal of adults who are likely to use such words in every day life; in an arguement to express aggression, or even to express intense enjoyment.

Also it is likely for our film to include sexual content or contain verbal references to it as our genre is romance, so this may be a prominant feature which occurs between the married couple at some point in our film.

The element of violence in the beginning suggests that further violence may also be featured within the film to uncover the more sinister aspect to our storyline, though we would not be yet able to specifiy the level of violence used, it would be safer to give it a higher rating just in case we would decide to elaborate on the tragedy within our romance film.

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