Monday, 4 January 2010

Film Titles

We are now thinking about planning the title credits for our media text. For this we have to take into consideration the font, size and colour. to get an idea of what kind of title screen we should apply to our production to coinside appropriately to the genre, i have analysed the titles of other films and how they use their title to represent the storyline..

P.s I Love You

P.s I Love You is presented in a font style that is similiar to handwritting, this would give the impression that it would have been written, coinsiding with the theme that he leaves her love notes throughout the film. The colour red is often recognised through it's negative ideolody of danger and death. however, in this case it gives the connotations for passion and love in order to suit the romantic genre of the film. this is something we should take into consideration when creating a title that represents our romantic genre based opening.


The SAW 3 title is appropriate to the genre of horror, and the "3" is represented by the violent, unpleasant image of 3 teeth dangling from a string. with this you are given the suggestion that these teeth have been ripped out, thus creating the idea of pain and torture that occurrs within the rest of the film. the colour scheme here is also very dull and dark, highlighting the grim nature of the storyline.

Ideas For Our Title
Whilst thinking of titles, me and my group each produced a document containing the name of our film, "The Dearly Departed", written in different styles of font in order to experiment and then compare. we will now discuss which we feel best suits our film opening..

Personally, as our film is a romance, i think a more femanine style font would be appropriate. however, a block printed style would have more impact, suggesting the drama and tragedy within the genre.

Christmas Break

During this 2 week holiday period we intended to film he "incident" scene on the Friday we broke up, however, there were unexpected weather conditions. the floor had iced over, due to the snow, and so we thought it would be hazardous and unideal to film our cast running up the stairs as they would be very slippery.

We also didnt manage to get any filming done for the other scene's as we had forgotten a vital piece of equiptment, the tripod. the lack of this would make our project look unprofessional and with this being a key scene, the standard of it would need to be high in keeping with our expectations for our opening as a whole.

the letter we had produced for all cast members will be alterred and re used with the appropriate dates that we intend to next carry out any filming.