Unfortunately, we were informed that we are restricted from using music that is copyright encrypted, however, we looked at various websites through youtube which contained links to a range of uncopyrighted music that would be available for us to use within our media text. we then came across one which had also been recommended by our teacher; http://www.joshwoodward.com/music/
From this, we listened to different songs and came to a decision of which we thought would be most appropriate for the scene, to reflect the right mood - sorrowful.
The song we agreed on is called "I'm Letting Go" by Josh woodward and can be downloaded free of charge.
This song is slow paced, soft and melodic, reflecting the saddness within the scene. However, when the action becomes more violent as she throws stuff around the room in anger, we intend to continue playing this same song as we like the idea of having a contrast between the gentle music and fast paced action.
Wednesday, 16 December 2009
Health and Safety Checks
Possible risks at location 1;
1) Near by car park
2) Stairs
3) Students throwing things from classrooms above
Forms of risk prevention;
1) Incase of any cars which may pass in order access the building through this particular car park (there are other more used car parks on the premesis, so this one is fairly unused anyway - limiting the chances of hazard) but we will take precautions and avoid the road as much as possible. for the chaotic running, we may need to cross the road in a disoriented manner, so actors may not be paying much attention to on coming cars - to prevent any accident will have someone standing by to keep a look out for any cars to alert other members of the cast to wait before commencing filming.
2) When running down the stairs we will ensure there is no water (or any other slippery liquids), no litter, or anything else on the stairs that may accidentily trip over.
3) We intend to film outside school hours at approximately 1:00, as school time finishes at 12:00 - 12:30, giving half an hour for the school to empty so we can begin filiming without interruption, or without causing interruption. this will also ensure classrooms above are empty so no students can drop anything from the windows if for some reason, they wish to do so..
Possible risks at location 2;
1) Cars
2) Falling over on gravel
3) Animals
Forms of risk prevention;
1) This location is near a main road, not directly next to it, but on the road leading off it. However it is rarely used. it is near to the Sheldon Country Park, and farm, so some may want to access it through this road, and so will have some people on constant look out.
2) As children are running around and playing in the back ground, we will ensure they are wearing suitable footwear to prevent them slipping on the uneven, gravel floor
3) As the location is near a farm it is possible that animals will be around, however it is a cold, wintery season and so the farm may either be closed, or animals be put away. it is unlikely that the farm will recieve many visitors anyway in such a cold month, also decreasing the risk any traffic.
Possible risks for location 3;
1) Throwing of objects on desk
2) Cracking the photoframe
3) Throwing photoframe at wall.
Forms of risk prevention;
1) The objects on the desk will be plastic, and so unbreakable, like empty moisturiser or shampoo bottles. or maybe to seem more realistic we will have objects made of harder materials - so less likely to smash but if used we intend to place a pillow or soft object off screen for them to land on safely. also, when the leading female throws these objects off the desk, me remarni and jodie will stand clear as to avoid being hit.
2) We have decided to use a plastic photoframe rather than a glass one, as we are going to split the plastic so the sheet is just cracked, not shattered and so will not leave any small shards of glass which may be hazardous. when breaking the photoframe we will wrap it in a cloth so that any broken bits will fly out and hit us. with this in mind we will take extra precaution by wearing goggles to protect our eyes.
3) We feel that when the photo frame is thrown at the wall it may rebound and hit us, so after throwing we will quickly move out of the way. also, we will not need to have the photoframe thrown very hard as we will break it seperately, so reducing the rebound caused (if any).
1) Near by car park
2) Stairs
3) Students throwing things from classrooms above
Forms of risk prevention;
1) Incase of any cars which may pass in order access the building through this particular car park (there are other more used car parks on the premesis, so this one is fairly unused anyway - limiting the chances of hazard) but we will take precautions and avoid the road as much as possible. for the chaotic running, we may need to cross the road in a disoriented manner, so actors may not be paying much attention to on coming cars - to prevent any accident will have someone standing by to keep a look out for any cars to alert other members of the cast to wait before commencing filming.
2) When running down the stairs we will ensure there is no water (or any other slippery liquids), no litter, or anything else on the stairs that may accidentily trip over.
3) We intend to film outside school hours at approximately 1:00, as school time finishes at 12:00 - 12:30, giving half an hour for the school to empty so we can begin filiming without interruption, or without causing interruption. this will also ensure classrooms above are empty so no students can drop anything from the windows if for some reason, they wish to do so..
Possible risks at location 2;
1) Cars
2) Falling over on gravel
3) Animals
Forms of risk prevention;
1) This location is near a main road, not directly next to it, but on the road leading off it. However it is rarely used. it is near to the Sheldon Country Park, and farm, so some may want to access it through this road, and so will have some people on constant look out.
2) As children are running around and playing in the back ground, we will ensure they are wearing suitable footwear to prevent them slipping on the uneven, gravel floor
3) As the location is near a farm it is possible that animals will be around, however it is a cold, wintery season and so the farm may either be closed, or animals be put away. it is unlikely that the farm will recieve many visitors anyway in such a cold month, also decreasing the risk any traffic.
Possible risks for location 3;
1) Throwing of objects on desk
2) Cracking the photoframe
3) Throwing photoframe at wall.
Forms of risk prevention;
1) The objects on the desk will be plastic, and so unbreakable, like empty moisturiser or shampoo bottles. or maybe to seem more realistic we will have objects made of harder materials - so less likely to smash but if used we intend to place a pillow or soft object off screen for them to land on safely. also, when the leading female throws these objects off the desk, me remarni and jodie will stand clear as to avoid being hit.
2) We have decided to use a plastic photoframe rather than a glass one, as we are going to split the plastic so the sheet is just cracked, not shattered and so will not leave any small shards of glass which may be hazardous. when breaking the photoframe we will wrap it in a cloth so that any broken bits will fly out and hit us. with this in mind we will take extra precaution by wearing goggles to protect our eyes.
3) We feel that when the photo frame is thrown at the wall it may rebound and hit us, so after throwing we will quickly move out of the way. also, we will not need to have the photoframe thrown very hard as we will break it seperately, so reducing the rebound caused (if any).
Monday, 14 December 2009
On the 9th December me and my group produced a list of actors that we require for filming of each scene..
Location 1
The "Incident" Scene
Stephen Mills
Jessica Bradley
Ellis Osborne
Karina Miller
Amy Gamble
Suzanne Young
Jade Tolliday
Aaron Collins
Ashley Wager
Baljot Randhawa
Also, myself, Jodie and Remarni may need to partake if in short of extras.
We may even enquire if any teachers at the school wish to participate in order to have a more realistic scope of people running from this unknown building - teenagers, children and adults.
Location 2
The Wedding Scene
Stephen Mills
Leanne Hilton
Rebecca Osborne
Ellis Osborne
Jessica Bradley
Lauren Bradley
Grace Mount
Daniel Hammond
Suzanne Young
Matthew Gibbs
Aaron Collins
Karon Breese
Location 3
House Scene
Leanne Hilton is the only actor we require for this.
These lists may alter on the day of filming depending on people's prior arrangements;
We plan to schedule a day for filming of the "incident" scene this week when Stephen Mills can attend on Friday 18th December.
We are going to produce a letter asking permission for the neccessary people to participate.
This is a copy of the letter;
''14/12/09Dear Sir/Madam,
As part of our AS Media Studies course for 2009/2010 we need to produce a film opening. To ensure that we have the best opening possible we will need many extras, we would be delighted if you would take part in this with us for the filming of our first scene on the 18th December at approximately 1.00pm at Sheldon Heath Community Arts College (for address see below*). The clothes you require will be smart casual as we are hoping to get the effect of an "incident" at a place of work.
If this is of no problem you may also be required to film for our second scene at a later date for the “Wedding Scene.” we know it will be taking place at some point over the Christmas half term. The venue for this scene is by Sheldon Country Park, but if you are able to come we will arrange a meeting point for all cast. For this you will need to bring smart clothes as if attending a Wedding ceremony. E.g.: Boys in suits and girls in dresses - weather permitted.
Bring umbrellas to both events.
Scene 1 – Incident Scene - 18th December 2009
Not Attending
Scene 2 - The Wedding Scene – Christmas Half term
Not Attending
Unsure until date is arranged
Best Regards,
Jodie Mills, Carlaina Breese and Remarni Miller.
If there are any problems please get in contact with the 3 of us through Sheldon Heath Community Arts College.
*Sheldon Heath Community Arts College
Sheldon Heath Road
B26 2RZ
0121-464 4428 '
Location 1
The "Incident" Scene
Stephen Mills
Jessica Bradley
Ellis Osborne
Karina Miller
Amy Gamble
Suzanne Young
Jade Tolliday
Aaron Collins
Ashley Wager
Baljot Randhawa
Also, myself, Jodie and Remarni may need to partake if in short of extras.
We may even enquire if any teachers at the school wish to participate in order to have a more realistic scope of people running from this unknown building - teenagers, children and adults.
Location 2
The Wedding Scene
Stephen Mills
Leanne Hilton
Rebecca Osborne
Ellis Osborne
Jessica Bradley
Lauren Bradley
Grace Mount
Daniel Hammond
Suzanne Young
Matthew Gibbs
Aaron Collins
Karon Breese
Location 3
House Scene
Leanne Hilton is the only actor we require for this.
These lists may alter on the day of filming depending on people's prior arrangements;
We plan to schedule a day for filming of the "incident" scene this week when Stephen Mills can attend on Friday 18th December.
We are going to produce a letter asking permission for the neccessary people to participate.
This is a copy of the letter;
''14/12/09Dear Sir/Madam,
As part of our AS Media Studies course for 2009/2010 we need to produce a film opening. To ensure that we have the best opening possible we will need many extras, we would be delighted if you would take part in this with us for the filming of our first scene on the 18th December at approximately 1.00pm at Sheldon Heath Community Arts College (for address see below*). The clothes you require will be smart casual as we are hoping to get the effect of an "incident" at a place of work.
If this is of no problem you may also be required to film for our second scene at a later date for the “Wedding Scene.” we know it will be taking place at some point over the Christmas half term. The venue for this scene is by Sheldon Country Park, but if you are able to come we will arrange a meeting point for all cast. For this you will need to bring smart clothes as if attending a Wedding ceremony. E.g.: Boys in suits and girls in dresses - weather permitted.
Bring umbrellas to both events.
Scene 1 – Incident Scene - 18th December 2009
Not Attending
Scene 2 - The Wedding Scene – Christmas Half term
Not Attending
Unsure until date is arranged
Best Regards,
Jodie Mills, Carlaina Breese and Remarni Miller.
If there are any problems please get in contact with the 3 of us through Sheldon Heath Community Arts College.
*Sheldon Heath Community Arts College
Sheldon Heath Road
B26 2RZ
0121-464 4428 '
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