We collected images to create a collage, and wrote text that was relevant to what our fim will consist of. in terms of text, we displayed specific words to summarise important features within our film such as the genre, "romance" and "tragedy" and the "heartbreak" that it would entail. with this in mind we chose images that coinside with the text in order to symbolise these vital aspects of our film.
For example, images of coffins and other things relating to a funeral give the suggestion of death which represents the "tragedy" within our genre.
A close up image of a woman crying highlights the grief/emotion that our female lead would have to portray due to this death, linking to the "heartbreak". also, the woman crying conveys a sad emotion - not happy, emphasising the serious nature of our film and showing that our intentions are not to create humour/comedy.
This seriousness is also portrayed as we made all the images on the mood board black and white.
Images of a bride and groom represent marriage, and the wedding scene we will be incorperating into our opening - marriage is symbolic for the love and happiness our leading female and male once shared together, fitting with the romantic side to our genre but also emphasising the extent of the "heartbreak" caused after the "tragedy" occurs.